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Deciding what is on the List

Artist led workshops with children and young people

The 99 by 19 list was selected by young people through a series of artist workshops held at events, with youth groups and in schools. Through a card game developed by artists Natasha Carter, Taylor Jack Smith and Lu Williams, young people were asked questions to spark conversations, encouraging them to discuss how they felt about their town, what their passions are, what they find difficult in their lives and how they might like to grow. Questions asked included: 

How do you celebrate difference? 

What would you do if you were prime minister?

What makes you feel confident?

What makes you feel less stressed?

What would you like to learn that you don’t get taught in school?

Is there something new that you want to try?


The young people then chose to represent their thought and ideas through creating posters, zines and videos, telling the world what they wanted to create, or what they wanted for their future. Ideas included homeless shelters in unoccupied shop fronts and youth-oriented community centres. The ideas and feedback from the workshops were used to decide what should be on the list. 

Participating groups in the workshops were: 

Attendees at Village Green

Southend Youth Council

Students from Southchurch High

Students from Chase High

Students for Porters Grange

Triple Teens Youth Group

Youth Links Youth Group

Students from Thorpe Hall

Students from St Mary's Primary

We also reviewed suggestion from teachers at Southend schools, and a survey circulated on social media. 

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