South Essex College Graphic Design with Fraser Muggeridge studio
In September 2019, Fraser Muggeridge of Fraser Muggeridge studio ran a day long workshop with South Essex College Graphic Design Level 3 BTEC and BA students to work collaboratively to develop the 99 by 19 brand.
The students participated in a real project, responding to the brief set but also playing the role of client, as all being 19 or under the project is designed for them.
The workshop began with an introduction to Fraser's practice and journey as a graphic designer, allowing a professional development opportunity (and preempting an item then soon to be added to the list, Meet someone doing your dream job). Following discussion on lettering, branding and success of existing logos, the group discussed and responded to the brief with their own designs.
There were many great examples, shown in the images below, but one very simple hand drawn design caught Fraser's eye, created by Aaron Attard, a BTEC student. Over the following weeks, Fraser and his team at the studio developed the original concept to add moving elements, select a font and add a colourful graphic element, made of 99 lines and 19 colours, everything that you see on this website!
Huge thank you to Aaron for his inspiring work!